Category Archives for Online Chiropractic Marketing

Viral Practice Checklist


I wanted to put together a checklist you should be doing in your chiropractic marketing based on my Viral Practice series.  These are the steps and bullet points you should focus your energy on.  And the beauty of it all… it only takes a few minutes per day.  You’ll even be able to delegate it to your staff.  If you missed the video series you can use the links in this post.

Steps for Viral Practice Part 1

  1. Like your practice fan page (you’d be surprised how many haven’t)
  2. Have your staff like your fan page
  3. Create a Facebook post on your practice fan page
  4. Like the post from  your fan page
  5. Like the post from your personal profile
  6. Comment on your post from your fan page
  7. Comment on your post from your personal profile
  8. Have your staff like the post from their personal profile
  9. Have your staff comment on the post from their personal profile
  10. Share the post to your personal profile
  11. Have your staff share the post to their personal profile

Steps for Viral Practice Part 2

  1. Ask your patients to like your fan page (I suggest providing an iPad or other tablet at the front desk so they can do it right there)
  2. Ask your patients to check in on Facebook
  3. Ask patients for a recommendation on your Facebook fanpage
  4. Ask patients to like your posts on Facebook
  5. Ask your patients to comment on your posts
  6. Ask your patients to share your posts on Facebook

Steps for Viral Practice Part 3

  1. Create a post on your fan page (I recommend niche specific testimonials or website pages)
  2. Promote the post via Facebook ads
  3. Target your area based on radius or zip code
  4. Target your area base on male or female (test this… women are generally the ones looking for solutions)

Watch your practice go viral (probably less than Gangnam Style).  Make sure you like, comment and share if you found value in this post.  Of course you’ll only find value if you put it to use.

Viral Chiropractic Promotion


In this viral practice marketing video you will see how to create an effective Facebook post on your practice fan page.  You’ll also be able to look over my shoulder as I set up a real life Facebook ad promotion for the post.  This is how you really branch out and start affecting your community. – Dr. Jeff Uhrmacher

Part 1: Viral Practice For Chiropractors
Part 2: Chiropractic Marketing Gone Viral

Chiropractic Marketing Gone Viral

In this chiropractic marketing video you will discover how to get your patients to help you “go viral.”  Your patients have a huge impact and influence on your practice.  This video will show you how to tap into that influence and create a referral like stampede to your office. – Dr. Jeff Uhrmacher

Part 1: Viral Practice For Chiropractors

Viral Practice For Chiropractors


In this chiropractic marketing tutorial you will see 7 basic principles that can make your practice go viral on Facebook.  And the best part is… you can do it all in less than 5 minutes per day from the comforts of your computer, laptop or smart phone.  Let me give you my world famous chiropractic marketing disclaimer… if you don’t do it, it won’t work.  Enjoy with my compliments… Dr. Jeff Uhrmacher

Target Your Chiropractic Marketing Area For Google


In this training you’ll see how to target your chiropractic marketing area so you make Google happy in the search arena.  Doing this one thing can drastically shorten the time it takes to get your “virtual endorsement” from Google… AND… it’s a great long term strategy.  And no matter how many times I tell chiropractors to be specific… they always want to screw this part of their strategy up.  It’s the same in your niche marketing.  DON’T try and be everything to everyone… you’ll end up being nothing to no one (awesome grammar huh?)  Take the time and get this right for your online marketing.

You can also see this strategy in more depth in my Non-Stop Patient Formula training.

Your Chiropractic App



Do you have an app for your practice?  I’m not for… or against having an app for your office.  But let me tell you why having an app in your chiropractic marketing arsenal… for most… is simply a waste of money.

Let me start this conversation by asking you a couple questions.

How does an app help your practice?

Is it to attract new patients?

Is it to help with patient retention?

Is it to help with referrals?

I think anyone trying to sell you an app is pitching you on the fact that you will get more new patients… or increase patient retention with it.  So if that’s the sales pitch… please tell me how that’s going to happen.  How are you going to get new patients by having an app for your practice?

The better question may be… actually two questions.  How are new patients going to find your app?  And if they do happen to find it… why would they want to download it?  What value does the app have for them.  I would contend there is NO VALUE what-so-ever for a new patient.  There is no reason I would want to download an app for a chiropractic office if I’m looking for a chiropractor.

So what if you’re using the app to increase patient retention and possibly referrals.  There could be some value to that.  You could ask your current patients to download the app… and that’s it’s own hurdle.  But if they did… you could deliver exercise videos… maybe some nutrition advice… maybe you give them some recipes… there’s a lot of great valuable information you could give them once they become your patient.

Here’s my issue…

You already have several ways to communicate and create value for your patients… but you aren’t using them!

You have their mailing address… are you mailing them a physical newsletter each and every month?  I know it seems like it costs money to do it… but if it’s done well and done right… it becomes profitable.  It’s actually one of the most profitable things you should be doing to increase your PVA and referrals.

You have their phone number… are you calling them on a regular basis to tell them about new services?  What about events you are hosting?  What about just to thank them for being your patient?  I bet you don’t utilize the phone as well as you could.

You should also have their email address.  Are you emailing them good and valuable information?  In the world of email you should be emailing them at least once a week.  Once a month is the minimum for regular mail… and once a week is the minimum for email.  And that’s not some arbitrary thing… the stats just show those frequencies to be the most effective.  And that’s what I care about.

So here’s the deal… an app for your office can be effective in a retention and referral strategy.  The problem is… you have to actually use it for it to work.  And I’m thinking you aren’t using the tools you already have… so why do you want to get caught up with the next shiny object that costs money to develop… and then it never gets used.

So that’s my opinion of a practice app.  And if you aren’t communicating with your patients on a regular basis… hit me up about my Patient Retention Formula.  It provides everything you need so you can keep retention and referrals high in your office.

Most EFFECTIVE Patient Videos


I want you to have the most phenomenal results possible for your office.  If you spend time and money (or just time… or just money)… I want the results to be incredible for you.  When it comes to patient testimonials you need to just GET THEM.  But…

… there are MORE effective ways if you’re ready to put in a little bit of work.  This is the type of video testimonial that can get your practice going viral.  Just make sure you don’t get one of these and quit.  Treat your video testimonials and practice marketing like quality chiropractic.  You MUST go hard in the beginning to make some great strides… then make sure you continue over time.  For example:

Q: “Once I start going to a chiropractor… do I have to keep going forever?”
A: “Only if you want to your body to function at it’s potential.”

Q: “Once I start marketing my practice… do I have to keep doing it?”
A: “Only if you want a healthy and thriving practice long term.”

Soooo… below is a real good example of the most effective style of video testimonial.  And it’s only 2 minutes long:

And it’s only effective if you actually do it.

The reason this type of video the MOST effective… it tells a story.  Your prospective patients can relate to another persons story.  They don’t want you trying to convince them that it works… but they’ll gladly take another persons opinion.  And it’s no different for you and me.

Another great example are the P90X infomercials.  They tell you what P90X is… but it’s laced with testimonials from the “test group” participants.  They are the ones that do all the selling by telling you how great the program is and what kind of results they go.

This type of testimonial is worth the time.

P.S.  This type of testimonial is something I now do for my Non-Stop Patient Formula members (as part of my Viral Practice program).  If you want to be a part of it and have it all done for you… give me a call to see if your area is available.